March = Abundance
This month is full of abundance. It is your month to tune in and reap the wonderment of what is being offered. Signs from the other side are given daily and often...........for me, they have been my ability to smell has been enhanced. Smells of memories, people, and the unknown come to me daily. I smell the overwhelming scent of something that brings me back to remembering that certain person, at times it is so big it brings my mind back to years ago and the memory is so vivid that for a short time I am reliving it. Feathers and coins pop up every where around me. I see 1111 all the time. I love the ability to stay alert and look forward to the signs. March is also full of learning and growth, however so many of us are not taking the time to see it, to appreciate it and to feel the gratitude inside. Watch as you see something in a totally different light, a new perspective, which allows you growth and at times peace from the understanding. Living in gratitude this month a